Who We are

Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA) was established in 2006 with the aim to regulate and develop the telecom sector in Afghanistan. ATRA strives to create an enabling environment for the private sector to invest in developing telecom and Internet infrastructure and services. ATRA aims to achieve an enabling private sector-backed telecom market and services in Afghanistan through creating and enforcing regulations, applying standards, providing universal access to the services, regulating the market, overseeing and fostering competition in the telecom market– all in a non-discriminatory and transparent manner. ATRA will work closely with its stakeholders, the private sector, government entities and end-users and telecom services recipients to improve the level playing field in the telecom and Internet domains in Afghanistan.

The telecom industry in Afghanistan had a rapid progress since 2002 with mobile internet coverage extending to all 34 provinces and most (number) of the districts of the country, However, to further improve and better regulate the telecom market in Afghanistan, ATRA fosters partnerships and alliance with global key telecom players with the aim to recognize international best practices, to learn from global experience and apply these within Afghanistan’s emerging telecom market. Capacity building is another critical focus area for Afghanistan’s telecom industry. ATRA works to build the sector capacity, including of the telecom and internet companies, by channeling funds and creating the ecosystem and can attract capital investment in the telecom sector to provide improved services to the consumers. ATRA also works with relevant stakeholders, especially academia, to increase and improve the telecom workforce in Afghanistan to provide training and other capacity building services in the market.

Respecting its core functions in the laws of the country and considering the need for telecom sector reform and development, ATRA’s Strategic Plan identifies its mission as: “To foster the development of telecommunication services for all people in Afghanistan through the implementation of efficient and effective sectoral policies and provision of a transparent and non-discriminatory framework based on the innovative involvement of the private sector and the use of Information Society services via regulatory mechanisms as expeditiously as possible, enabling the development of a new generation of services across all other sectors.

Achievement of a fully Competitive telecom marketplace throughout Afghanistan that ensures wide availability of ICT services at reasonable prices, and which facilitates access to public services and resources, enhanced educational and social development and links all Afghanistan citizens to the rest of the World after decades of isolation.

Core Functions
ATRA’s core functions are outlined in the Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Law, which establishes the organization as the highest authority of the telecom services in Afghanistan. As our core functions, we issue licenses, conduct Monitoring And Control of the licensees and telecom service providers, manage the allocated Spectrum across the country, protect the rights of consumers and engage in dispute resolutions among the different telecom service providers, consumers and other relevant entities.


All entities wishing to provide telecom services in Afghanistan should obtain a license from ATRA and comply with the terms and conditions of the license and other regulatory measures. ATRA issues licenses to the companies operating in the telecom, IT, ITeS, Digital Media, and Postal Services industries and the sector overall. We issue 8 types of licenses, that include Fiber, ISP, TTSP, VAS…. For more information: Visit the Licensing page.

Spectrum Management

The Spectrum Department is working with MNOs, ISP and other licensees of ATRA to manage and fairly allocate the national spectrum in Afghanistan. Like any other natural resource, spectrum is also a natural resource of a country that needs to be properly managed and regulated for the efficient usage of the spectrum for the wireless services. All the functions of the spectrum management are governed by the Wireless Laws, bylaws and procedures. Spectrum management in ATRA is responsible for allocating spectrum to various services, terrestrial and satellite, in low, mid and high band ranges.

Monitoring and Control

A key function of ATRA is to oversee and control the activities of its licensees to make sure all services provided are inline with laws and regulations of the country and in compliance with the terms of the licenses. ATRA proactively conducts Monitoring and Control activities to prevent illegal operations, carried by anyone within Afghan territory. Through its Monitoring and Control functions, ATRA identifies illegal and ineligible activities conducted by individuals or other entities. It also helps resolve the issues our licensees are facing, such as the identification and removal of the sources of frequency interference by ineligible operators assuring quality of services to the end-users. Another objective of the Monitoring and Control for ATRA is to oversee and make sure that its licensees comply with the established standard as well as the terms and conditions outlined in their licenses.

Universal Access

ATRA is determined to extend telecom and internet services to all citizens of the country. We believe extending the access to telecom and internet services to all Afghan will have positive effects on the economic growth & development, which will also pave the way towards digitalization of the economy and improved services to our citizens’. Therefore, we utilize our Telecom Development Fund (TDF) resources to establish Base Transceiver Station (BTS) sites, Fiber to Home, Fiber to Villages, and other relevant infrastructure to connect remote areas to the national telecom network. ATRA also works with government and private institutions, schools and universities to connect via fiber and broadband, adapt and improve e-government services and to move towards digital transformation in Afghanistan.

Consumer Rights

We care about our people and the consumers of telecom services, they are dear to our hearts. The consumer rights protection is in the core of our service delivery. We make our licensees accountable to laws, regulations and procedures to make sure the consumers receive quality telecom and internet services; and their rights are protected, including their rights to privacy, access to quality services.

Dispute Resolution

As the regulatory authority it is important for us to ensure market competition is established and fair services and interaction is exercised by different parties, including the consumers. ATRA is committed to promptly respond and resolve telecom related disputes in a fair and unbiased manner. Dispute resolution are mechanisms and procedures that ATRA employs to resolve any disputes among the different players in the market, it’s also one of the tools for ATRA to regulate the market and to establish fair competition and practices.